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For School

For Work

For Life

We are a nonprofit agency that transforms our community by improving literacy and promoting educational equity for people of all ages, empowering them to navigate changes in an increasingly complex world.

We are now offering remote and in-person instruction.

Reading Connections transforms our community by improving adult literacy and promoting educational equity, empowering people to achieve their personal goals for school, for work, and for life.

Since 1990, we’ve helped thousands of students improve their literacy skills.

We transform our community by improving literacy and promoting educational equity.
We provide free and confidential tutoring to improve English language and literacy skills, job skills, and more.
We help companies improve the educational and literacy levels of their workforce.
Programs for Employers
See our students and tutors at work and learn more about how you can be involved, too.
Student Stories
Check out our latest outcomes to understand our impact in the community.
Our Accomplishments
Each year, we host Literacy Leadership Breakfasts in Greensboro and High Point.