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Tutor Resources

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Monthly Tutoring Report


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Listed below are resources that may be useful to tutors working with students at various levels. Tutors are invited to browse our libraries at each office location for resources. As always, if you have questions or need help finding a specific resource, please contact your coordinator.
Levels 1 – 2 Reading:

Marshall Adult Education: Short, leveled readings with accompanying comprehension questions

NCCCS Content Standards: Content Standards provide creative lesson ideas and also include student progress benchmarks

English Phrasal Verbs List: phrasal verb lessons for high beginner-intermediate level students

Levels 3 – 4 Reading:

Appalachian State University: High-level lesson plans and resources for vocabulary instruction

Marshall Adult Education: Short, leveled readings with accompanying comprehension questions

Reading Skills for Health Care Workers: Short passages on health care topics that includes pre- and post-reading questions

Phrasal Verbs: Lessons for intermediate-advanced learners

NCCCS Content Standards: Creative lesson ideas and student progress benchmarks

WIOA Contextualized Curriculum: Lesson plans that prepare students for work in in-demand career sectors

High School Equivalency Prep:

Appalachian State’s Writing Prompts: Argumentative and persuasive writing prompts and outlines

GED, ACT, SAT & GRE Test Guide 2019: Variety of resources for GED prep

Free online prep classes: Self-paced, free online classes

Practice Tests: Four free practice tests


Khan Academy: Videos focusing on many topics from Math to Humanities to Computer Programming.

Dan Meyer’s Three Act Math: Fun math lessons that are based on real-world prompts. 

Numeracy Manual: Project based learning and other reality based math prompts

Math-Aids: Printable worksheets ranging from addition to geometry


Creating a job interview role play: Job interview role play

ESL Doctors Conversations: Conversations at the doctor’s office

Lesson for Adult Classes: Variety of conversation topics

English Idioms, Phrases & Idiomatic Expressions: Dictionary of English idioms


Civics Practice Test: Practice citizenship test



All Things Grammar: High Beginner-Intermediate level grammar worksheets

English exercises: Grammar exercises offered at all levels

Learning Differences:

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia: Sharing the latest research on dyslexia and tips for someone who has been diagnosed with dyslexia

Teaching Adults with Learning Disabilities: App State has many resources that explain methodology and approaches to helping adult learners retain new learning

LD Resources


Pro Literacy Instructional Videos: Short videos from tutoring sessions that focus on phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension 

Partners in Reading – San Jose Public Library

Language Experience Approach

Do you have a resource you want to share? Do you have an idea for a supplemental training? Please contact us and let us know your great ideas!

I have an idea

Did you know that low literacy costs the U.S. $225 billion in non-productivity in the workforce, crime, and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment?

At least 43% of adults with the lowest literacy levels live in poverty. Help us change that in Guilford County by donating or volunteering today. Together we can learn, grow, and succeed.

415 North Edgeworth St. Suite #130
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 230-2223
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:30 – 5:00
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High Point
901 N. Main Street
High Point, NC 27262
(336) 884-7323
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00
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