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of your gift supports adult and family literacy programs in Guilford County
Reading Connections is a nonprofit agency that relies on the financial support of individuals, foundations, organizations, and corporations. Our donors help us continue our mission of empowering adult students to reach their educational goals. There are so many ways to give: through financial gifts; donations of supplies, books, or classroom space; or by becoming a tutor or volunteer.


Become a Monthly Donor!

You can make an even bigger impact by making a recurring monthly donation and becoming a Reading Connections Literacy Sustainer. Monthly donations are an easy way to fit giving into your budget and ensure that adults and families in our community have access to literacy programs. 


When you make a monthly gift to Reading Connections, you become a Literacy Sustainer, helping adults reach their goals each month. You can easily set up a recurring gift on our donation page. Simply click the box next to Show my support by making this a recurring donation. If you prefer, we can set up automatic payments for you. Just give us a call at (336) 230-2223 to get started.

Your legacy gift will ensure that adults and families in Guilford County continue to receive individualized literacy and work readiness instruction that will empower them to reach their goals. By making a legacy gift, you will help Reading Connections to sustain and grow literacy programs for years to come. Contact us for more information.

Give the gift of literacy by making a donation in honor of or in remembrance of someone special in your life. He or she will receive a special acknowledgement of your gift. Use our online giving form or contact us to make an honor gift.


Join us as a Campaign Captain at our virtual “Bringing Stories to Life” campaign. As a Campaign Captain, we will provide you with personalized tools and ask you to connect with your family and friends locally and across the country to support Reading Connections with a financial gift.  Contact us to find out more about becoming a table captain.



Create your own fundraiser and raise money for literacy programs. You can create a Facebook fundraiser through your personal Facebook page or come up with a unique idea of your own. Visit Facebook for more information about creating an online fundraiser.

There are so many ways to give: financial gifts; donations of supplies, books, or classroom space; or by becoming a tutor or volunteer.

Donations are tax-exempt.

Please see our financials page to review our financial records.