English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Resources for Remote Instruction
Tutor Training Manual: Part 1 | Part 2
Content Standards for College and Career Readiness: Reading & Writing Level 1, 2, 3, 4
How-to for ESOL tutors | Source documents: Levels 1-4 | Levels 5-6
Joseph’s Story for Beginning ESOL Students. In this packet you’ll find a series of activities created at Reading Connections that follows the story of Joseph, who works at Smith Tools in Greensboro, North Carolina. These activities are intended for Low and High Beginning ESOL students. They could be a good refresher for those at the Low Intermediate level, as well.
Guides and Methodology:
- Developing the Language Experience Approach (credit Tacoma Community House)
- Error Correction Techniques (credit LINCS @ US Dept. of Education)
- Teaching English Language Learners Handbook (credit Tacoma Community House)
- Maestra! A guide for those working with English language learners who are learning to read for the first time. (credit Patsy Vinogradov)
- Total Physical Response Curriculum for Adults (credit English Language and Literacy Center, St. Louis, MO)
- Making it Real: Teaching Pre-Literate Adult Refugee Students (credit Tacoma Community House)
- Metacognitive Skills (credit Maryland Dept. of Labor)
Images for Vocabulary and Total Physical Response:
- Home Emergencies
- Housing
- Locations
- Signs
- Emotions
- Parts of the Body
- Ailments
- Descriptions of People
- Food
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Utensils
- Clothing
- Occupations
- Transportation
- Weather
Online Videos for Discussion, Comprehension Checks, Language Experience Approach, etc.
We Speak NYC Program for English Language Learner | A series of episodes representing the everyday lives of immigrant adults in New York City. A great resource to watch in short segments with your student(s), then follow up with comprehension checks, discussion on civics and rights, and roleplays.
Dialogues and Role Plays:
Reading Comprehension:
- Reading For Life 1 | 2 (credit Minnesota Literacy Council)
- Marshall Adult Education’s Reading Skills for Today’s Adults
- Using these readers with Zoom – Credit Reading Connections
- News For You | Password 22667F (good until April 30th, 2020)
- Articles on current affairs, with emphasis on reading comprehension and vocabulary. See Teacher’s Guide on the right of page for accompanying activities for your student(s).
- BC Campus OpenEd Fundamental English Curriculum – Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6
- A great resource for tutors working with students at the early literacy through high intermediate/advanced ESOL levels
Vocabulary Lessons – App State Adult Education
Reading Connections Toolkit